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一、课程顾问 Associate Executive

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 大专以上学历,专业不限,具备一定的英语基础。
    Have college degree or above in Arts. Have good command of English.
2. 具备一到两年的销售工作经验,有电话销售经验的优先考虑。
    Have one or two years of working experiences in sales, call-center experience is preferred.
3. 有优秀的商业敏感度,通晓客户心理。
    Have excellent commercial sense, and know all kinds of customers well.
4. 反应敏捷、思路清晰、表达通畅、口齿伶俐、声音甜美。
    Quick-witted, logical, have good tongue and sweet voice.
5. 具备优秀的服务意识和亲和力。
    Have excellent sense of service and affinity.
6. 积极进取、脚踏实地、耐心认真。
    Be initiative and self-motivated. Be down-to-earth, careful and earnest.

二、英语助教 Assistant Teacher

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 本科或以上学历,英语专业优先。
    Bachelor degree or above, English major is preferred.
2. 热爱教育培训事业
    Have passion in educational career.
3. 英语听说读写综合能力较好。
    Have good command of English.
4. 善于发现教学问题,并提出有效的改进意见。
    Be able to find the problems between teachers and students and propose effective improvement plan.
5. 对学员的反馈比较敏感,能快速有效地提出解决方法。
    Be sensitive about the student’s feedback and respond quickly and effectively.
6. 有较好的协调能力、表达能力和人际沟通能力。
    Be good at coordinating, expressing and interacting with people.

三、教务助理 Teaching Coordinator

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 大专以上学历,英语专业优先。
    College degree or above, English major is preferred.
2. 热爱教育培训事业。
    Have passion in educational career.
3. 英语听说读写综合能力较好。
    Have quite good command of English.
4. 有很好的服务意识。
    Have good sense of service.
5. 态度热情,处事耐心,有较好的情绪控制能力。
    Be enthusiastic and patient, have the ability to handle emotions responsibly.
6. 能快速、有效处理一些紧急事务。
    Be able to handle the urgent matters efficiently.


岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 热衷于专业技术工作,对技术问题有钻研精神,诚实敬业,工作认真。
2. 具备坚实的基础知识和较强的逻辑思维分析能力。
3. 精通ASP.NET,熟悉ASP。
4. 精通SQL语言,熟练掌握SQL Server;熟悉VBScript、JavaScript脚本,具有手写HTML、CSS代码能力。
5. 标准化的代码编写习惯。
6. 具有网站实际开发经验,熟悉开发流程。
7. 熟悉网页设计和网页制作。


岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 大专或以上学历,设计、美术或计算机相关专业毕业。
2. 有较好美术设计功底、有平面设计经验,色彩感敏锐。
3. 2年以上网页设计工作经验,熟练使用Photoshop、CorelDraw、Flash、Dream weaver等常用设计制作软件工具、有成功设计经历者优先。
4. 具备较强的动手设计能力。
5. 具备良好的敬业精神和强烈的责任心。
6. 思维敏捷,想象力丰富,悟性好。

六、总经理助理 General Manager Assistant

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 5年以上企业高级管理工作经验,工作思路清晰,有一定的组织协调能力,具有较强的控制、决策能力。
    Five years working experiences in senior management roles. Be logical and be able to organize and coordinate well. Have strong abilities in controlling and making decisions.
2. 能制订各项工作制度和计划,能独立开展工作,具有相当的应变能力,能妥善地处理各种突发事件。
    Be able to establish working system and plan, can work independently. Be able to handle the changes and emergencies appropriately.
3. 文案撰写能力高,对文字有很好的驾驭能力。
    Be expert in writing, be a word master.

七、财务总监 Finance Director

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 熟悉国际财务制度和税务制度,业务管理经验丰富。
    Be familiar with international financial and tax regulations.
2. 财务、金融相关专业大学本科以上学历,5年以上大型企业或外资企业财务管理工作经验。具有中级会计师资格,注册会计师、注册税务师优先。
    Bachelor degree or above in finance, with at least five years working experiences of financial management work in big scale enterprises or foreign enterprises. Must have license of Semi senior Accountant, CPA and CTA preferred.
3. 具有优秀的财务分析能力和管理能力。
    Have good ability of excellent financial analysis and management. 4. 熟悉财务整体工作流程。
    Be familiar with financial work flow.
5. 具有较高的管理能力、组织协调能力以及沟通能力。
    Have high abilities of management, coordination and communication.

八、会计 Accountant

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 本科以上学历,有2年以上工作经验。
    Bachelor degree or above with more than two years working experiences.
2. 熟悉一般纳税人企业会计工作的整个工作流程,会使用财务和办公软件。
    Be familiar with whole working process of accounting of general tax payer. Can use finance and office software.
3. 具有较全面的财务核算、财务管理及税法知识,能够独立完成各种报表的编制及申报。
    Have overall knowledge in finance calculation, finance management and tax law. Be able to finish the workout and declaration of all kinds of reports.

九、客服专员 Customer Service Officer

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 大专以上学历,有一年以上相关工作经验。
    Have college degree or above, have more than one year related working experiences.
2. 有良好的沟通及协调能力,有处理突发事件的能力。
    Be good at communicating and coordinating, be able to handle emergencies. 3. 具备良好的服务意识和亲和力。
    Have good sense of service and affinity.
4. 工作态度脚踏实地,仔细认真。
    Be down-to-earth, careful and earnest.
5. 具有较好的团队合作精神。
    Have good sense of team spirit

十、文案 Ad-writer

岗位要求 Job Requirements
1. 本科或以上学历,中文、英语、哲学、社会学等专业。至少两年相关工作经验。
    Have bachelor degree or above, majored in Chinese, English, Philosophy or Sociology, with at least two years working experiences.
2. 有扎实的文字功底,中英文书面能力俱佳。
    Be expert in writing, have excellent skills in both Chinese and English.
3. 思路敏捷,善于思考。
    Be quick-witted and thoughtful.
4. 性格内敛踏实,稳重成熟。
    Be introversive, stable and mature.


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